
GWQ welcomes all women graduates who support its Aims and Objectives.


Objects of the Association are: 

(a) To further the development of education; 

(b) To encourage the full application of its members’ knowledge and skills to the problems which arise at all levels of public life, whether regional, national, or international, and to encourage their participation in the solving of these problems; 

(c) To provide opportunities for women graduates to meet and communicate; 

(d) To encourage post-graduate study by women; 

(e) To support those tertiary education activities, charitable or public causes as the members of the Association in General Meeting decide; 

(f) To support postgraduate fellowships or other public educational purposes 

NB: Employment in a University or any other location is not a requirement.

Graduate Women Queensland,  the voice of graduate women in Queenslandis an organisation with a respected voice at branch and State, levels. It contributes to many debates related to quality of life and education for women of all ages.

For the financial years 2024/2025 this fee is $25.00. To join as a member, click here.

The academic qualifications for membership are as follows.

Who can join?

The criteria for membership require the completion of a postsecondary qualification requiring at least two, preferably three, years of full time study and resulting in the award of a degree or diploma which provides a pathway to postgraduate study. The following will be eligible for membership of AGW:

(1) Any woman holding a degree from an accredited Australian higher education or tertiary institution.

(2) Any woman holding another tertiary qualification recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework as equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor Degree. Relevant TAFE qualifications would be Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate, Vocational Graduate Diploma, Vocational Graduate Certificate. Every member is a graduate of a recognized institution of higher learning; a graduate with a strong belief in education, action, fellowship and creating opportunities for other women.


GWQ members are women from many different walks of life; from many backgrounds within Australia and overseas; with diverse interests, skills and ability; with a keen interest in areas such as education, social justice, the economy and the arts.

Professional Backgrounds

Every member possesses a unique perspective and energy and has her own tale to tell.  We have among us lawyers who have practiced in diverse areas of law; teachers, principals and lecturers across the whole spectrum of education from pre-school to tertiary. Our members from the health care sector include doctors, pharmacists, nursing specialists, psychiatrists and psychologists. Commerce, business administration and economics are also well represented with economic advisors and administrators in the private and government sectors, accountants and marketing consultants while science is represented by, among others, microbiologists, biochemists, statisticians, veterinary scientists, physicists, chemists and  researchers. Those with a penchant for the Arts include several recreational writers, published authors, librarians, translators, artists, silversmiths, music lovers and devotees of the whole cross section of the performing arts.

Level of Involvement

While membership involvement is a priority of the organisation, it is recognised that not all women have the time to commit to State and Branch initiatives but wish to enjoy the friendship, networking opportunities and stimulation of GWQ meetings and activities. Their membership is still valued. New members are always welcome and their contribution valued and greatly appreciated. It is our aim to continue to increase membership