
Graduate Women has four branches operating within the State of Queensland.  Information about each Branch is below. For this interested in becoming a member of one of the branches please contact them directly via their website or email contact below.

Gold Coast

Sunshine Coast branch

This is a large and dynamic branch, with a current membership of 83. We hold eight events each year:  from a social morning tea, to breakfast and lunch meetings and even a fund-raising Trivia afternoon. We invite interesting guest speakers to four of our annual meetings. We enjoy high levels of friendship and fellowship and several of our members are also actively involved in three book groups, which meet every second month. Some of our members have recently embarked on a new project: joining migrant women from non-English speaking backgrounds for weekly conversations at a community centre in Nambour. 

If you are interested in joining or require further information about our activities please visit our Sunshine Coast website.

Fellowships Fund Inc

Fellowships Fund Inc (FFI) is a separately incorporated group of members of Graduate Women Qld committed to providing postgraduate opportunities for study and research to women by the provision of Fellowships (postgraduate scholarships).  Scholarships are funded from the income on investment capital carefully built up over 50 years by hundreds of volunteer members running our former academic regalia business that hired and sold academic dress to universities and other institutions in Queensland.  FFI aims to provide several one-year Scholarships and one three-year Scholarship each year for women scholars who are Australian citizens and who are either graduates of a recognized tertiary institution and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies (including course work and research Masters, M Phil, and PhDs) at a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland, Australia, or have graduated from a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland, and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies (including course work and research Masters, M Phil, and PhDs) at a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland or elsewhere in the world. For information see FFI Scholarships.  For further information about FFI or how to become a member please contact us at [email protected]

Darling Downs Branch

The Darling Downs Branch is a small but active branch of GWQ.  While many of members still reside on the Downs but there are also members who have fond memories of their youth and education on the Downs.  

Bi Monthly, usually on the 4th Saturday of the month, we have a  Lunch meeting.  Each meeting has a different international theme where members able to attend contribute and enjoy food from a different country.  At each meeting we invite a guest speaker to provide insight into local and other issues. This includes the recipient of our annual scholarship at the presentation meeting.

If you are interested in joining or require further information about our activities please email us at [email protected]